Be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you with TruFuel®. Severe weather can knock out power and communication services, leaving you to fend for yourself until services can be restored. In extreme situations, this can take days or even weeks. With the right preparation, you and your family can remain safe during winter storms and hurricanes.

When severe winter weather hits, snowdrifts can trap you inside your home. Wind, wet snow and freezing rain can take down power lines across whole regions for days, sometimes weeks.
If you use a snow blower or portable generator, add ethanol-free fuel to your winter-storm safety checklist. The safety and comfort of you and your family can depend on your power generator and on your snow blower.
Please consider printing out the federal government’s “before,” “during” and “after” a winter storm checklist for more information on how to stay safe during severe weather.

When severe winter weather hits, snowdrifts can trap you inside your home. Wind, wet snow and freezing rain can take down power lines across whole regions for days, sometimes weeks.
If you use a snow blower or portable generator, add ethanol-free fuel to your winter-storm safety checklist. The safety and comfort of you and your family can depend on your power generator and on your snow blower.
Please consider printing out the federal government’s “before,” “during” and “after” a winter storm checklist for more information on how to stay safe during severe weather.

In their hurricane checklist of preparedness recommendations, FEMA advises to install a generator for emergencies. Portable generators provide the ability to run appliances, sump pumps, televisions and radios via extension cords when hurricanes disable the grid for what could be weeks at a time.
Your own research and/or professional advice from an electrician should go into your purchasing decision to make sure you have a unit that can power what you need it to in an emergency. Owner’s manuals must be kept on hand and safety guidelines followed closely, as generators that are set up or used incorrectly can be deadly.
Please consider printing out the federal government’s “before,” “during” and “after” hurricane checklist resource for building emergency kits and creating a family communication plan.

In their hurricane checklist of preparedness recommendations, FEMA advises to install a generator for emergencies. Portable generators provide the ability to run appliances, sump pumps, televisions and radios via extension cords when hurricanes disable the grid for what could be weeks at a time.
Your own research and/or professional advice from an electrician should go into your purchasing decision to make sure you have a unit that can power what you need it to in an emergency. Owner’s manuals must be kept on hand and safety guidelines followed closely, as generators that are set up or used incorrectly can be deadly.
Please consider printing out the federal government’s “before,” “during” and “after” hurricane checklist resource for building emergency kits and creating a family communication plan.

Gas station gasoline, whether it’s in an approved container or sitting in the gas tank of your generator, can go bad in as little as 30 days. Pulling the cord and sending old, separated gasoline into the engine of your emergency generator is one disaster on top of another. It clogs the fuel system, and the gas pump is subject to failure. Emergency preparedness experts are acutely aware of this problem.
The good news is that 4-Cycle TruFuel is engineered for usage in limited-use equipment like portable generators. TruFuel’s advanced stabilizers inhibit separation and varnishing while in storage. TruFuel 4-Cycle stays fresh for 2 years after being opened and at least 5 years unopened.
The gasoline available for purchase across 75% of the United States is blended with ethanol by law. E-10 is fine for large automotive engines, but for the smaller, hotter-running 4-stroke engines that drive snow blowers and portable power generators, ethanol-blended gas station gasoline hurts dependability.
Ethanol attracts moisture, which then separates and settles at the bottom of the gas tank. Outdoor power equipment stored over 30 days with regular gas in the tank can receive a straight jolt of water to their engines that can result in a need for major repair work.
Ethanol also leaves behind varnish and residue in carburetors and fuel lines, and it corrodes rubber and plastic parts in 4-cycle engines.
TruFuel is:
- High-Octane
- Ethanol-Free
- Treated with advanced stabilizers to stay fresh for 2 years after opening and for at least 5 years unopened.

In other words, TruFuel is engineered for small engines like in generators and snow blowers. In the aftermath of a severe weather event, you need your equipment to work. So store and power your generator or snow blower with TruFuel 4-Cycle, and have power when you need it.


TruFuel is available at most home and garden centers.
Find your nearest store using your zip code.